The African Telecommunications Union (ATU) is the leading continental organization fostering the development of information and communication technologies infrastructure and services
The ITU World Telecommunication Policy Forum (WTPF) was established by the 1994 Kyoto Plenipotentiary Conference and is covered by the provisions of Resolution 2 of the 2002 Marrakesh Plenipotentiary Conference.
Membership of ATU is open to Governments which may join as Member States as well as private organizations like Telecommunications Carriers, equipment manufactures, operators and ICT Training Institutions which can join ATU as Associate Members.
This membership gives them an opportunity to play an active role in the organizational affairs to add their voices to the Union and make important and valued contribution to the developments reshaping the continent and the world at large.
The involvement of Member States and Associate Members in the work of ATU gives all members a chance to influence, learn and play a part in forging for a new millennium.
This year, the African Telecommunication/ICT Day shall be�commemorated on 7th December, 2009.