ATU Secretariat
Box 35282 Nairobi
00200 Kenya
Tel: +254 20 4453308, 4453358
Fax: +254 20 4453359


Contributing to global decision-making

Goal… To enhance Africa’s contribution to global decision-making conferences to ensure equitable share of global resources.

Strategies… Coordinating the preparation of African common proposals; and following up on the implementation of resolutions of global decision-making events.

World conferences are convened periodically to review and revise the international telecommunications regulations that apply to administrations and network operators.

The conferences establish the general principles for the provision and operation of international telecommunications services offered to the public as well as the underlying means used to provide those services.

What we do

Through this programme, ATU coordinates Africa’s contribution to the work of these conferences with the aim of ensuring Africa gets an equitable share of globally allocated resources.  We also follow up to ensure that any proposals adopted as a result of these initiatives are implemented.

Some of the global decision-making events that we contribute to include…

  • Regional Radio Conferences

  • World Radiocommunication Conferences

  • World Telecommunication Development Conferences

  • World Telecommunications Standardisation Assemblies

  • ITU’s Plenipotentiary Conferences

Core activity partners

To realise the programme’s goal, we cooperate with the African Union and other relevant organisations including…

ITU: International Telecommunication Union
CEPT: European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations
RCC: Regional Commonwealth in the field of Communications
CITEL: Inter-American Telecommunications Commission
APT: Asia Pacific Telecommunity
ATCM: Arab Telecommunication Council of Ministers


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Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the African Telecommunications Union

Workshop on Powerline Communications (PLC) (more...)
Conference of African Telecommunication and ICT Ministers (more...)
ATU Jubilee Golden Book: The book has a rich mix of information covering the history of the Union, detailed data on ATU Member Countries and overviews of their information and communication characteristics.
Africa Telecom: Official Yearbook of ATU – 2008 Edition (more...)