ATU Secretariat
Box 35282 Nairobi
00200 Kenya
Tel: +254 20 4453308, 4453358
Fax: +254 20 4453359


Attracting investment into ICT infrastructure

Goal… To attract investment into information infrastructure to meet universal access and full backbone inter-connectivity aspiration.

Strategies… Facilitating regional initiatives to attract investment into ICT infrastructure; and coordinating multi-utility feasibility studies on integrated infrastructure.

Independently of the current state of a country’s economy, the key to future success is access… broadband access for the deployment of information-intensive applications, wireless access for faster deployment of services to the entire population, mobile access to better serve needs of the largest number… access that is affordable for mass use.

But telecommunications in Africa are characterised by a relatively low level of (mostly narrowband) tele-density.  With the integration of regional markets, the continent is ripe for rapid growth in tele-density and for the development of new business models based upon these access platforms.  This could be realised through smart partnerships between public, private and not-for-profit sectors.

What we do

Through this programme, ATU promotes initiatives to attract investment in access and backbone cross-border information infrastructure in order to achieve universal access and full inter-country connectivity.

To realise our goal, we are…

  • Facilitating regional initiatives to attract investment into ICT infrastructure.

  • Coordinating multi-utility feasibility studies on integrated infrastructure.

Core activity partners

To realise the programme’s goal, we cooperate with the African Union and other relevant organisations including…

RASCOM: Regional African Satellite Communication Organisation
ECOWAS: Economic Community for West African States
IGAD: Intergovernmental Authority in Development
COMESA: Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
CEN-SAD: Community of Sahel-Saharan States
SADC: Southern African Development Community
UNIDO: United Nations Industrial Development Organisation
PAPU: Pan-African Postal Union
ADB: African Development Bank
NEPAD: New Partnership for Africa’s Development


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Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the African Telecommunications Union

Workshop on Powerline Communications (PLC) (more...)
Conference of African Telecommunication and ICT Ministers (more...)
ATU Jubilee Golden Book: The book has a rich mix of information covering the history of the Union, detailed data on ATU Member Countries and overviews of their information and communication characteristics.
Africa Telecom: Official Yearbook of ATU – 2008 Edition (more...)