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Regional Radiocommunication Conference

The Regional Radiocommunication Conference (RRC-2004)

On the request of Member States in Region 1 and part of Region 3, the ITU agreed to convene the first session of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference (RRC) in Geneva  on 10-28 May 2004 to enable the Member States change the broadcasting technologies from analogue to digital. The second RRC is scheduled at the end of year 2005 or early 2006.

Preparing its Member States for the first session, ATU General Secretariat organized an Africa Region Preparatory Experts Group meeting in Abidjan on 8-12 March 2004 where draft African Common Proposals (AFCPs) were prepared. Individual Member States are required to endorse the draft AFCPs in order to validate them into mature AFCPs that will be submitted to the ITU as Africa’s contributions to the work of the Conference.

Recommendations: The Secretariat has the following ten recommendations to the Member States that aim at preparing them fully for the Conferences...

  1. To endorse the draft AFCPs in order to validate them as mature AFCPs that will be sent to ITU as Africa’s contribution to the work of RRC-2004. (more...)

  2. To send the national delegation list for RRC-2004 to the General Secretariat so that the AFCP human resources defense team is known before the start of the Conference. (more...)

  3. To participate actively in the ATU Consultations Meetings (ACM) that will be held at the venue of the RRC-2004 in Geneva to defend/and or review AFCPs. (more...)

  4. To provide the national delegates attending RRC-2004 with laptops to enable them use wireless facilities at the ITU to access Conference documents. (more... )

  5. To be prepared to host Information Meeting that will be held during the second half of this year (2004) for follow up actions of the RRC-2004 in preparation for the second session of RRC. (more...)

  6. To be prepared to host Africa Region Preparatory Experts Group Meetings next year (2005) in preparation for the second session of the RRC. (more...)

  7. To participate actively in the activities that will taken in preparation for the second session of the RRC.

  8. To establish National Preparatory Expert Group (NPEG) for drafting national positions and contributions for the second session of the RRC. (more...)

  9. To inform ATU General Secretariat the establishment of the NPEG and its contact points.

  10. To finance the participation of the members of the NPEG in ITU, ATU  and ATU partners preparatory meetings.


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