· Chairman
· Distinguished Participants
· Fellow Speakers
· Ladies & Gentlemen
It is great honour for me and indeed ATU to be invited to make a statement at
this conference. The theme I was asked to speak on, "The Challenges of
building an affordable communication infrastructure for Africa", is quite
appropriate as it falls within my present job description as Secretary-General
of ATU. I would probably want to amend it a little and also touch on the 'accessibility
factor'. Africa has both 'universal access' and affordability challenges.
Mr. Chairman, the African telecom market is a fragmented one. It is delineated
along the boundaries of the 54 countries on the continent. It is served by a
multitude of policy and regulatory regimes. The players in each market are few
and generally are monopolies or partially privatised but with large market dominance.
The ownership of these telecom entities is progressively converting to private
sector in the higher per capita countries. As a consequence of the few players,
there is little price competition especially in the fixed networks. A further
characteristic of the market includes use of obsolete technologies in many networks
maintained by relatively low skilled staff. Past funding modalities when telecom
entities were government owned have worked against network reliability. Each
'donor' had conditionalities that promoted their home industries rather than
fund procurement of open standards equipment from elsewhere.
Mr. Chairman, despite past difficulties Africa today presents the largest untapped
market potential, offering clearly above average returns to the investor. Filling
the gap between where Africa is at the moment (2% teledensity) and the global
average (10% teledensity) provides an opportunity for installing over 60 million
new telephones (present level around 17 million). At an average installation
of $ 1,000.00 per line, it translates to $60 billion investment opportunity
for equipment vendors and contractors. Furthermore given the proceeds per line
in the continent stand at $1,000.00 per line per annum, the operators are guaranteed
to reap reach rewards for their initiatives in expanding networks. With such
potential, the key issue for Africa, in this regard, is market structure. The
telecom markets need to be transformed and integrated into fewer blocks of,
say, six instead of 54 as at present. These could be along the six Regional
Economic Communities of OAU (SADC/COMESA/EGAD/ UMA/ECCAS/ECOWAS). The number
of players also needs to be increased substantially so there is effective competition
at all levels, from village level, through urban centres to the national and
regional levels. Furthermore new technologies based on multi-media digital platform
can save costs of having to construct separate network for voice, data, video
and text. They also allow more non-traditional players to enter the telecom
market and thus assist in lowering cost of access barriers.
Mr. Chairman, over half of the African countries have implemented reforms on
their telecom markets and now have separation of powers for policy making (which
remains in the ministries for communications), for regulation (now charged to
an autonomous entity) and operation and service provision. These operators are
also being progressively privatised. In the countries that have gone the whole
way, the benefits of liberalisation and privatisation are beginning to be enjoyed
by their citizenship. This strategy which was well articulated in the '1996
ITU African Green' has full support by governments in Africa and is being progressively
implemented. However further negotiations are necessary to put in place the
policy and regulatory frameworks for creating the larger market blocks within
the context of the regional economic communities. The eventual output of such
negotiations will be treaties that will progressively integrate the markets
and provide basis for establishment of regional institutions for market regulation
and dispute resolution. The new regional regulatory entities will be challenged,
along with their counterparts in the national markets, on the issue of inter-connection
of different networks in the era of technology convergence. Use of peering hubs/telehouses
to link different players will be a platform they have to be familiar with very
quickly. And in order to support multitude of players of different sizes, establishing
inter-connection principles and practices at village level will enable faster
universal access to information and communication (and reverse expansion of
the growing digital devide).
Mr. Chairman, spectrum is a scarce and highly useful resource that lends itself
as priority agenda for regional co-operation and harmonisation. Judicious use
of radio spectrum will result in the multiple re-use of the same without interference.
With the global preference for networks that connect people rather than places,
demand for seamless mobile connectivity is growing very rapidly. Consequently
more mobile networks are being deployed. Before long, fixed networks will become
the 'value-added network' and mobile the 'basic services network'. From another
perspective, use of data (or TCP/IP) over mobile networks is enjoying phenomenal
growth as well. Thus the type of network the policy makers and regulators need
to concern themselves in allocating spectrum is that providing multi-media mobile
data services.
Mr. Chairman, 'way leave owners' like Railway corporations, Powerline companies
and water/petroleum pipeline companies have resources that can provide the communication
bandwidths, for a variety of telecom players. With proper incentives they can
string fibre-optic cables along their tracks and provides backbone bandwidth
services for mobile operators, Internet service providers, broadcasters and
fixed telecom providers as well. Thus they will service their own internal communication
requirements and sell surplus capacity if the necessary regulatory framework
for inter-connection is in place.
Mr. Chairman, Africa has a relatively young population compared with other
continents. Given education and training, they can build accessible and affordable
communication infrastructure that is required. The new information and communication
technologies offer immense opportunities for alternative, universal and often
cheaper ways of accessing information and knowledge. A deliberate capacity building
programme on a regional basis linked with a common certification and accreditation
system will deliver the competencies that Africa needs.
Finally, Mr. Chairman, we are living in an era of rapid change at personal,
national and global levels. The major change agent is the digital technology
which has ushered in the information and knowledge revolution. It has accelerated
technology convergence and catalysed trends for globalisation, liberalisation
and privatisation. Africa is therefore challenged to review its choices and
priorities in the use of often-scarce resources. A rational approach for doing
this is the process of masterplanning. Thus in order to build accessible and
affordable communication infrastructures in Africa, we must avoid past haphazard
action by instead establishing processes for formulating Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) Masterplans at national, regional and continental level. Africa
has the experts to do the job but now needs to strengthen the regional and continental
institutions for them to deliver the much needed results.
Thank you.