§ Mr
§ Honourable Ministers
§ Your excellencies Ambassadors
§ Director of ITD - BDT
§ Directors General and Chief Executive Officers
§ Distinguished delegates
§ Ladies and Gentlemen
It is a great
honour and pleasure for me to address this August Assembly on the occasion
of the Regional Preparatory Meeting for the World Telecommunications Development
Conference (WTDC-02).
Let me at
the outset express my profound gratitude to the Government and People
of Cameroon for hosting this conference and the excellent facilities placed
at our disposal. These arrangements and the excellent hospitality, no
doubt augur well for the success of our well work. For us at ATU, which
organisation I will touch on later in my address, it is most opportune
that I seize this occasion to place on record our gratitude for the very
strong support the Administration of Cameroon has consistently given the
Union. Its leadership in the many areas of the Union activities including
funding support as well as participation in policy and administrative
organs of the Union, must be highly applauded.
Indeed I
must also recognise the ITU and Mr. Amadoun Toure, Director of BDT, in
particular, who is spearheading this event. We appreciate the guesture
of inviting the Union to take part in this meeting and congratulate him
and his colleagues at BDT for the enormous task of organising this meeting.
May I say that very close and cordial working relationships exist between
the Union and ITU and so far we have had several joint activities in the
past, some of which touch on the Valletta Action Plan.
The significance
of this meeting cannot be too strongly emphasised since in many ways,
as it does, traverses memory lane to the Valletta Action Plan (VAP) adopted
four years ago and projects us to future strategies five years into the
new millennium. Looking back in time, a number of important developments
of particular interest to the African region have been predominant. These
include the phenomenon of liberalisation and privatisation. Significant
achievements have been realised in Africa with a level of about 50% regulatory
entities established as of the current period. The emergence of the mobile
network has also greatly accelerated over the time and its impact is reflected
in considerable growth in countries where these services have been established.
Obviously compared to the Asian region where exponential growth has been
experienced, growth on the African continent is still regarded as modest.
At the global operational level, the period has seen the evolution of
telecommunication policies impacted on by the World Trade Organisation
(WTO) agreement on trade and services, giving rise to the accounting rate
reform. The World Telecommunication Standardisation Conference (WTSA-2000),
found this issue highly contentious as a result of concerns by developing
countries over the negative impact the new reforms would have on net settlements.
In spite of the continuing studies by ITU in this area, it appears unlikely
that the new accounting reforms for international traffic will have positive
results given the entrenched position of some developed countries over
the matter.
too, but with its background in the period under review, issues relating
to the internet protocol (IP), in particular its use for voice traffic,
was a subject of an ITU Policy Forum. This same subject proved highly
contentious during the WTSA-2000. The concern as is well known, is the
very likely erosion of revenues accruing from settlements which matter
would impact negatively on the developing countries which so far have
received net settlements on most of their relations. Indications are that
emerging technology highly favours IP telephony and the possibility of
administrations in developing countries keeping it at bay, appear to be
wishful thinking. Whilst technical developments and innovations need to
be supported, deliberate efforts must be made by the global community
to provide a level playing field in international telecommunications operations,
that will guarantee adequate revenues to operators in developing countries
thus enabling them to enhance investments in ICT expansion. Without this
commitment, the bridging of what is now referred to as the 'digital divide'
may remain an illusive target.
I considered
it desirable to refer to some of the key policy development over the period
under review purposely to lay ground strategies and focus in the evolution
of the future plan likely to arise from WTDC-02. In this regard, BDT working
closely with administrations, regional telecommunications organisations
and other stake holders will need to continue spearheading studies in
such areas as international traffic revenues to ensure that networks in
developing countries will continue to maintain adequate viability.
As we grapple
with the above and other challenges ahead, it is important that future
plans should address the need to enhance ICT development and expansion
in the region given our dismal status so far. In spite of its size and
population, Africa's tele-density stands at an average of only 2%. The
very large majority of countries in the region are well below 2.5 %. With
regard to the internet, the picture is equally depressing as current access
estimates stand at 1%. Equally in global trade, Africa's position is a
marginalised one with only 2% of trade and 1% patent applications.
The above
scenario reflects the wider socio-economic situation not only in Africa
but also in the developing regions of the world in general. Since it is
now a well proved fact that there is a direct correlation between ICT
penetration and economic growth, the former must be given greater impetus
at national and regional level. This can be achieved through enhancing
the investment climate within the region and the following have been identified
as key factors in this regard:-
- Enabling
policy and legislative framework
- Independent
regulators within an effective regulatory environment.
- Investment
incentives for the catalytic ICT sector.
- Reasonable
access to capital funds and flexible financing.
- Adequate
access to skilled human resource.
Mr Chairman,
permit me to make some comments about the African Telecommunications Union
(ATU), the organisation I have the honour to represent. The African Ministers
of telecommunications made a landmark resolution at the dawn of the new
millennium on committing themselves on the vision of making Africa a full
and active participant in the Global Information Society. Further more
that this vision be achieved through working partnerships between stakeholders
in the public and private sectors. This was at the 4th Extra-ordinary
Session of the Conference of Plenipotentiaries of the Pan African Telecommunications
Union, held in Cape Town, South Africa, in December1999. They created
a new category of membership for the private sector 'Associate Member'
to work hand in hand with 'Member States' in the renamed Union, African
Telecommunications Union (ATU) for accelerated development of telecommunications
in Africa. An ATU strategic plan was further operationalised through the
establishment of the Ministerial Oversight Committee (MOC) and the creation
of the African Connection Centre for Strategic Planning.
At the higher
level, current strategies for faster economic growth have been initiated
by the OAU Heads of State and Government with the resolve to work towards
closer co-operation and regional integration and also recognising the
pivotal role of ICT in this regard. Work is currently proceeding on the
Millennium Partnership for African Recovery Programme (MAP), a broad economic
recovery strategy. A major ICT component of MAP is being formulated under
Senegal's leadership. The objective is to submit this programme to the
OAU for its adoption. ATU as a specialised agency of the OAU is deeply
involved in these endeavours.
At the Secretariat
level, we are actively working on a seven-pronged programme covering the
following areas:-
- Special
Programmes for Least Developed Countries.
- ICT policy
and regulatory framework development programme.
- Human
capacity development.
- Programme
for financing and funding ICT development.
- Priority
Project Co-ordination.
- Programme
for the Development of the Information and Knowledge Society in Africa.
- Partnership
Programme - Regional and Global.
- Enhanced
Membership Programme.
The above
constitute a broad thrust of priority activities on which the Union will
concentrate during next financial year from June 1st, 2001. It has its
genesis in the ATU Strategic Plan referred to earlier. As in the past,
we will co-operate and collaborate closely with ITU and other stakeholders
in our endeavour to accelerate ICT development in Africa. At Global level,
we shall develop and seek harmonised positions ahead of standards-setting
and especially treaty-making international conferences.
Mr Chairman,
let me conclude my remarks by wishing the meeting successful results for
input to WTDC-2002.
Thank you
for your attention.