2002 13TH MAY 2002
Our Guest of Honour, Hon. Musalia Mudavadi, EGH,
MP, Minister for Transport and Communication, Chairman, Mr. Nestor Misigaro,
Director General of CCK, Mr. Samuel Chepkonga, OAU and ITU Representatives,
Excellencies, Chief Executives, Delegates, Observers, Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen!
It is my singular honour and privilege, to welcome you all, to this Opening
Ceremony, of ATU Administrative Council 2002. I am indeed, delighted, that you
all found time, to be with us this morning. For visitors to Kenya, may I extend
a special word of welcome, 'Karibu'. Please feel at home, with your brothers
and sisters, still living at what scientists call, the cradle of humankind.
Our Guest of Honour, Sir, may I express our very
sincere appreciation, to you, for finding time, from your very busy schedule,
to officiate at this Opening Ceremony of Council. Through you, sir, may I extend
the Union's abundant gratitude, to the Government and people of Kenya, for the
timely, sustained and unflinching support, since relocating the General Secretariat,
on a temporary basis to Kenya, in 1997. In this context, I wish to recognize,
all that the Host Administration, the Communication Commission of Kenya, has
done for us throughout the years. The Union, could not have served its members,
without the base, they continue to provide us. At the same time, we applaud,
our Associate Members in Kenya, Telkom Kenya, and Safaricom, for sponsoring,
a wide range of services, and events of the Union.
Widening digital divide
Mr. Chairman, given that a year has lapsed, since we last met, at an ordinary
session of Council, I think it will be appropriate, for me, to reflect on the
accomplishments, and challenges over the last one year. For us, in the ICT sector,
a subject of great concern, is the widening digital divide, between those who
have infrastructure, on the ground, principally, the industrialized world, and
those, who still have to build them, mainly agriculture based economies. Whereas,
the 'analogue gap, described as the 'missing link' grew at arithmetic progression,
dependent on income levels, the new digital devide', is growing at geometric
progression. It is geometric, because, narrowing this new gap, requires both
infrastructure and literacy at three levels - basic (read + write), computer
literacy and internet literacy. In this regard, the good news, is the high level
of awareness, that bridging the digital devide, will have cross - cutting boost
to social and economic development. The bad news is, that meeting the conditionalities,
for official development assistance (ODA), and foreign direct investment (FDI),
is growing more difficult, for Africa, due to perceived higher risks, in this
continent. The increased competitiveness, and the integrated approaches of other
regions, for these finite resources mean there is less for Africa.
Proactive response to globalization processes
Mr. Chairman, we have as a Secretariat, adopted the strategy, of proactive response,
to globalization processes, and are beginning to make some progress. For example,
through consultative processes mounted by the Secretariat, RASCOM, the African
Satellite Project has after ten years, been able to obtain from ITU, the scarce
orbital slots and frequency spectrum, that will facilitate the launch of their
first Satellite within the next two years. Another success, is the adoption
of a resolution, by the ITU World Telecommunication Development Conference of
March 2002, in Istanbul, Turkey ,for provision of technical support to NEPAD
(New Partnership for Africa's Development) initiative. On the occasion of this
conference, ATU concluded a Co-operation Agreement (MOU) with CEPT (Conference
of European Post and Telecom Administrations). However the challenge of globalization
remains immense, since Africa, contributes less than 2%, of the technical proposals,
to global conferences, for standardization, and allocation of scarce globally
managed resources (e.g. Spectrum, Internet Names and Numbers). In the strategic
plan, for the period 2002 - 2006, concrete plans for widening and deepening
the African Common Proposals (ACP) consultation process, will be discussed.
Africa has to consolidate, its voice, and avoid further fragmentation, if it
is to influence global treaty - making, for the benefits of its citizens.
Progressing regional integration
Mr. Chairman, we made progress, in the last year, promoting Regional Economic
community (RECs) level regulatory associations, based on the successful model
of TRASA (Telecom Regulators Association of Southern Africa). The proposed WATRA
(The West Africa Telecom Regulators Association) has received wide support and
will soon be launched. Activity in other RECs, is proceeding well. Through these
vehicles, it is hoped that policy and regulatory framework, together with spectrum
planning, and type approvals, will be harmonized. The creation of large common
markets in the RECs for ICTs is the overall target. The subject of removal of
impediments, and constraints to construction and operation, of regional fibre
optic backbones, will be addressed. Direct interconnection of 'national internet
exchange points' and 'telephone international gateways' will also be considered
by this forum together with ATU.
Mr. Chairman, Africa, can build a strong global
presence, and integrate faster, at the regional level, if it has strong regional
institutions to steer the process. It is common knowledge that many OAU specialized
agencies, suffer virtual neglect, by many of their member states, a few years
after the founding leaders, have left the stage. Though beginning to come out
of the financial straits, our Union is no exception.
It is presently engaging proactively, in globalization
processes, and regional integration, through support of five countries who have
paid assessed contributions well in advance. (Cameroon, Kenya, Lesotho, Mali
and Tunisia) and eight who are always up to date with assessment and voluntary
contributions (Angola, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania,
and Zambia). There are a few more Member States, who are soon approaching the
status of front line supporters, as those listed above. At the Secretariat,
we are encouraged by this new commitment, for strengthening the financial base,
of the Union, and trust that Council, in the next four days, will add impetus,
to this wave.
Planning for the future
Our Guest of Honour, Chairman, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, I cannot
end my remarks without highlighting two initiatives, at continental, and global
levels, that will influence our deliberations, on the new strategic plan, for
the period 2002 to 2006. At the continental level, we have NEPAD, which is an
expression, of our new collective will, in Africa, to forge unique African solutions,
to our unique African problems, before inviting partners to accelerate the implementation
process. ATU, has been given a key role, by NEPAD, to catalise the developments,
of ICTs, in Africa, from both the infrastructure perspective, and also from
its nature, as cross-cutting tool, for social and economic development.
At global level, we have the World Summit on
Information Society (WSIS), taking place in Geneva December 2003, and Tunis
2005. This global forum, will differ from others, given the special efforts,
for inclusion of all key stakeholders. It is expected, that Governments, Industry,
Academia and Civil Society, will jointly participate and forge a new global
consensus, on 'bridging the knowledge devide', and also commit to concrete programme
of action, and definitive resourcing. Preparatory processes, are planned to
take place at national, regional and global levels. The first regional preparatory
meeting for Africa, will be in Bamako, Mali, 28 - 30th May 2002. The first global
preparatory meeting, is scheduled, for July 2002, in Geneva. We are all, welcome
to take advantage, of these opportunities, to articulate our visions, for our
common future, and to commit ourselves, to making them happen.
Our Guest Of Honour, Chairman, Excellencies,
Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen, I look forward to successful outcomes of this
Council. I therefore wish, all the participants, every success, in their deliberations.
'Asante sana' / Thank you very much.