Ministerial Oversight
Committee (MOC V)
Cairo, Egypt
May 10th - 12th, 2002
Final Communiqué
The Ministerial Oversight Committee of the African Telecommunications
Union, having met in Cairo from May 10-12, 2002
Recognizes the decision of
the African heads of state to chart a new developmental approach for Africa
as enunciated in NEPAD adopted in Lusaka in July 2001. MOC commits itself to
the support and implementation of ICT NEPAD program and objectives;
Recognizes the indispensable
role of ICT in social and economic development;
Reiterates the necessity and
usefulness of the African Telecommunications Union to continue being the permanent
African Ministerial organ for the decision making on ICTs;
Recommends to the next ATU
Plenipotentiary Conference that ATU’s structure should reflect and incorporate
both telecommunications and IT, enabling it to become the coordinating body
and repository of all commissions and committees which are established or mandated
by African states.
Stresses the need for the World
Summit on Information Society (WSIS) to set a reachable quantifiable target
for bridging the digital and knowledge divide proportionate and closely linked
to the realization of the Millennium Developmental Goals with special attention
to poverty reduction;
the following priority themes for the World Summit of Information Society and
any similar global or regional forum as:
- Infrastructure: MOC highlights
the priority of ICT infrastructure using submarine, terrestrial and satellite
technologies to ensure effective interconnectivity within and between countries,
regions and continents. All African countries are encouraged to establish
country internet exchanges so as to ensure a continental internet grid that
would ensure collective self reliance in internet traffic.
- Human Resource Development:
MOC reaffirms the centrality of HRD in the development process. It encourages
cooperation between countries in ICT training, knowledge management and human
capital development particularly in scarce skills. Africans in the Diaspora
represent a valuable vehicle for technology and know how transfer to be utilized
by their countries. There is an urgent need to develop and undertake a massive
e-awareness campaign and the establishment of an e-learning network in Africa.
- Regulatory Issues:
MOC invites countries to establish and maintain transparent and open regulatory
regimes that will enhance and promote the Information Society from a developmental
perspective; and in so doing there is a need to harmonize various regulations
and policies on a regional and global level.
- Content:
MOC emphasizes the need for local content development in such a way as to
ensure the universality of benefits of ICTs thus preserving and enriching
the cultural and national heritage of nations. Local content provision shall
be encouraged, and Intellectual Property Rights shall be protected coupled
with methods of technology transfer that guarantee the flow of knowledge at
an affordable price to developing nations. Many services shall enhance content
development. Included in these are the provision of official government information
through e-government, and commercial information through e-commerce.
- Business and Industry Development:
MOC recognizes the role of public private partnerships both at the national
and international levels. Local Industry Development is a necessary condition
for the realization of the information society. In this regard, MOC supports
the establishment of an African Business Forum for Communications and Information
Technology, which will be a main forum for forging alliances among African
ICT business sectors. Egypt has been mandated to take the steps towards establishing
this Forum with the view to convening its formative meeting at the periphery
of the next ATU Plenipotentiary meeting in Khartoum in September 2002.
Highlights the
need for closer coordination between Africa and the Arab World as a way of consolidating
South-South cooperation. In this regard, Egypt has been entrusted to forge such
cooperation and share best practices. ATU secretariat are requested to establish
the link through Egypt to the relevant bodies of the Arab League.
a subcommittee of the MOC with the aim of issuing recommendations regarding
the continental structure and mechanism governing cooperation in the field of
ICT within the African Union.
Decides to hold
its next meeting the day before the ATU meeting in Khartoum in Sudan.