• Q. What is ATU ?
    A. The African Telecommunications Union (ATU) is a Specialised Agency of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) in the field of Telecommunications. Its purpose is to promote the rapid development of info-communications in Africa in order to achieve universal access and service, in addition to full inter-country connectivity, in the most effective manner.
    Besides being an Inter-Governmental Organisation (IGO), it is also a public/private sector partnership between Governments and ICT* Industry.

  • Q. Who may be an Associate Member ?
    A. The following categories of Organisations and Institutions may become Associate Members :
    v Telecom Operators - Fixed Networks
    v Telecom Operators - Mobile/Cellular Networks
    v Internet Service Providers
    v Other Info-communications Service Providers
    v Radio/TV Broadcasters
    v ICT Manufacturers
    v ICT Consultants and Contractors
    v ICT Universities/Polytechnics/Colleges
    v ICT Associations
    v Other scientific, industrial and financial organisations interested in promoting ICT* Industry.

  • Q. Classification of Above Entities
    A. The Following classification will apply:
    v Corporate - Large
    Telecom Operators - Fixed Networks
    Telecom Operators - Mobile/Cellular Networks
    v Corporate - Medium
    Info-communications Service Providers
    Radio/TV Broadcasters
    ICT Manufacturers
    v Corporate - Small
    ICT Consultants and Contractors
    ICT Universities/Polytechnics/Colleges
    ICT Associations/Organisations

  • Q. How do Associate members participate ?
    A. Associate Members may participate in a wide variety of activities undertaken by ATU relating to the development of info-communications such as conferences, seminars, workshops, colloquia and study groups. Through the above and other activities they will also contribute to the development of policy, regulation and standards of networks and services including promotion of major telecommunications projects.
    Furthermore, Associate Members will have the right to make written contributions to conferences and meetings whose decisions may impact on many areas of interest, other than those empowered to conclude Legal Instruments of treaty status.

  • Q. What does it cost to be an Associate Member?
    A. An Associate Member will share in the cost of the operation of the Union and its contribution will be based on the Member States scale of contribution at the following rates :
    · Corporate-Large : ½ of the Member State scale of contribution.
    · Corporate-Medium : ¼ of the Member State scale of contribution.
    · Corporate-Small : 1/8 of the Member State scale of contribution.
    These are minimum contribution levels and members are encouraged to volunteer higher amounts in order to further strengthen the financial base of the Union.

  • Q. How does one apply to become an Associate Member?
    A. Application for Associate Membership should be submitted through any of the following entities:
    · Ministry responsible for Telecommunications in the country where your company/organization is based or,
    · Administration (Regulatory Authority) designated by the Government to discharge any obligations under the Constitution or Convention of the Union or,
    · Secretary General, African Telecommunications Union.
    Admission will become effective upon endorsement by the administration and registration by ATU Secretary General.

  • Q. Who notifies the Applicant of its acceptance ?
    A. The Secretary General will notify the applicant of the decision taken through the respective Administration.

  • Q. What if an Associate Member wishes to resign ?
    A. An Associate Member may resign by a written notification to the Secretary General, through the Member State.
    Resignation will take effect one year after the date of receipt of notification by the Secretary General of the Union.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us (

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African Telecommunication Union
Posta Sacco Plaza, 11th Floor, Uhuru Highway
P.O.Box 35282 Nairobi Tel:254 2 216678/216789 Fax: 254 2 219478/219445
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