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  • Report of the Africa Region Preparatory Experts Group Meeting for drafting African Common Proposals for the First Session of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference (RRC-2004)
    Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, 8 - 12 March 2004

Purpose: The purpose of the Africa Region Preparatory Expert Group Meeting was to draft African Common Proposals (AFCPs) for the first session of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference (RRC-2004) so that African Countries could speak with one voice at the Conference on mature AFCPs.

Participation: Twenty nine (29) African Countries, CEPT and Thales Group experts as well as a team of experts from the ATU General  Secretariat attended the meeting and were represented by ninety two participants. The names of the participants are in the Consolidated List of Participants in Annex 6.

Opening Ceremony: The meeting was held at the Hotel Ivoire in Abidjan from 8/03/2004. The opening ceremony was marked by the speech made by the Chief Guest, the Minister of Modern Information and Telecommunication Technologies, Hon Hamed BAKAYOKO who officially opened the meeting.

The speech of the minister was preceded by a statement made by the Secretary General of ATU Mr. Akossi Akossi.

The speech of the Minister and the statement made by the Secretary General are in Annex 5.

Structure of the Meeting: The meeting had two sessions: the Information and Preparatory Sessions. The overview agenda and the programme of work are in Annex 2. The Information Session took two days (8-9 March 2004) while the Preparatory Session took three days (10-12 March 2004).

Report of the Information Session: The Information Session was chaired by Cote d’Ivoire represented by Mr Kouakou Yao Jean-Baptiste and supported by the General Secretariat.

During the opening session, the Secretary General of ATU, Mr. Akossi Akossi made a welcome statement to all participants and expressed his gratitude to CEPT and Thales Group  for accepting to participate at the Information Session at a short notice.

The presenters focused on issues of the agenda of the Conference and responded to questions made by the participants.  The report of the Information is in Annex 3.

Report of the Preparatory Session: Before the start of the session the Secretary General Mr. Akossi Akossi welcomed delegates to the meeting and expressed gratitude to Member States that made written contributions for the work of the session.. The output of the session is in Annex 1 containing draft AFCPs. The report of the Preparatory Session is contained in Annex 4.

Closing Ceremony: The closing ceremony was marked by a Speech made by the Minister of the Ministry of Modern Information and Communications Technologies, Hon Ahmed BAKAYOKO. The speech was preceded by statement made by the Chairman of the two Sessions Mr. KOUAKOU YAO Jean-Baptiste who presented the communiqué, Gabon who read the vote of thanks on behalf of delegates, Major John Tandoh, the Director General of Ghana and lastly by ATU Secretary General who gave his closing remarks. The speech of the Minister and the above statements are in Annex 6.

Conclusion and Recommendations: It is gratifying to note that the meeting achieved its objective of generating draft AFCPs. Nonetheless Members States are invited to consider taking actions on the recommendations in order to improve the AFCP process in preparing for the second session of RRC.

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