ATU Secretariat
Box 35282 Nairobi
00200 Kenya
Tel: +254 20 4453308, 4453358
Fax: +254 20 4453359

Subsequent meetings shall be held on Tuesdays the 18, 25
and on Thursdays the 13, 20 and 27 at the same venue and
the same time
Draft Agenda (Doc 1)
Welcome remarks by...
-ATU Secretary General Mr. Akossi Akossi
-Representative of the Chairman Algeria
Status of endorsements
of AFCPs (Doc 2)
Status of nominations
of African Experts in the Conference structure (Doc 3)
Nominations of African
rapporteurs in the Conference Structure (Doc 4)
Strategies for defense
of AFCPs (Doc 5)
Partnerships with other
Reg. Telecom Organisations (RTOs) (Doc 6)
Subsequent meetings shall be held on Tuesdays the 18, 25 and
on Thursdays the 13, 20 and 27 at the same venue and the same
time. |
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Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-06) Antalya, 6-24 November 2006.
African Common Proposals for the Work of the Conference
( more...)

Invitation to a Workshop on Powerline Communications (PLC)
3 and 4 October 2006, Novotel Hotel, Dakar, Senegal
( more...)

Notification of Relocation of Office Premises
The General Secretariat of the Union has relocated to Communications Commission of Kenya (CCK)
Building, Waiyaki Way, (opposite) Kianda school.
Tel: + 254 20 4453308, 4453358
Fax: + 254 20 4453359