17-21 June 2019
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3rd Working Group meeting for WRC-19
Venue: Gaborone, Botswana
Organizer: ATU

Practical Information 41.00 KB

Invitation letter to 3rd Meeetings of ATU WRC-19 Working Groups 439.46 KB

Registration form 235.50 KB

Annex 1 - Draft WG19-3 Agenda 74.50 KB

Annex 2 - Draft WG19-3 Work Schedule 70.00 KB

Annex 3 - Scope of Work and Mandate of the ATU WRC-19 Preparatory Working Groups 95.41 KB

Annex 4 - Leaderships of the ATU WRC-19 Preparatory Working Groups 422.31 KB

Annex 5 - Template for Contributions and-or Proposals to WG19-3 110.50 KB