During the PLC workshop organized in December 2007 in the frame of the ATU 30th anniversary event in Abidjan, Ivory Coast the participants inaugurated the ATU African Power line Communications Forum. Three working groups have been defined in order to target specific central issues related to the deployments, commercialization and usage of PLC Network throughout the African continent. The working group actions are meant to promote PLC technology and business models in threefold cluster of actions:
1. Technical working group: defining technical parameters for PLC equipment as basic norm for the African markets
2. Business Model working group: identifying promising and alternative business models and services/applications portfolio mix
3. Regulatory working group: work out of an harmonized and pro-competitive regulatory framework for PLC in Africa
More information...
ATU PLC Conference 2009 2nd and 3rd April... more
Introduction to PLC Seminar.. .more
Workshop Registration Form English Rev... more
PLC Venue and Hotel... more
Brief aplcf... more