Dr. Abdulaziz Osman Abdulaziz Chief Executive Officer Sudan Telecom Company Limited (SUDATEL) 2nd Floor, Sudatel Tower P.O. Box 11155 Khartoum Sudan Tel: +249 11 775669 Fax: + 249 11 781899 Email: elshiekh@sudatel.net / laylaak@sudatel.net |
Mr. Oystein BJORGE CEO Ghana Telecommunications Company Ltd Telecom House PMB 221 Accra – North Ghana Tel: + 233 21 200201/200200 Fax: + 233 21 232021/221002
Mr. Michael Joseph Chief Executive Officer Safaricom Limited P.O. Box 46350 – 00100 Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254 20 427 3101 +254 20 427 3272
Fax: +254 20 427 40 90 +254 20 3003070
Email: mjoseph@safaricom.co.ke Email: tkioko@safaricom.co.ke (Personal Assistant) www.safaricom.co.ke
Ms. Tabie Kioko Assistant
Mr. Sarat Dutt Lallah CEO Mauritius Telecom Ltd Telecom Tower, Edith Cavell Street – Port Louis P.O. Box 1009 Mauritius Tel : + 230 203 7000 Fax : + 230 208 1070 Email : ceo@mauritiustelecom.com |
Mr. Dominique Saint Jean Chief Executive Officer Telkom Kenya Limited Managing Director, P O Box 30301 NAIROBI, Kenya Tel: +254 20 3232 433 Fax: +254 20 34 33 99 Email: mdtelkom@telkom.co.ke
Mr. Peter Reinertz Deputy CEO
Ms. Jane-Lisa Mwangemi jmwangemi@telkom.co.ke Beth Waweru Secretaries
Mr. Akil Beshir CEO – Telecom Egypt 26 Ramsis Street, P.O. Box 2271, Cairo Egypt Tel: +202 5795533 Fax: +202 5794455 E-mail: azza.torky@telecomegypt.com.eg; ezakaria@telecomegypt.com.eg
Lesotho Communications Authority (LCA) 6th Floor Moposo House Kingsway Road P.O. Box 15896 Maseru 100 Lesotho Telephone: +266 2222 4300 Facscimile: +266 2231 0984
Website: www.lta.org.ls Email: admin@lta.org.ls
Tsiu Tsiu Public Relations Manager Lesotho Communications Authority Tel.: +266 2222 4300 Dir.: +266 2222 4301 Mob.: +266 6285 5720 Fax.: +266 2231 0984 Email: ttsiu@lta.org.ls Website: www.lta.org.ls
Monsieur David Emane NKOTO Directeur Général Cameroun Telecommunications (CAMTEL) Boulevard Du 20 mai - Yaoundé BP 1571 Cameroun Fax +237 223 0303 Email: camtel@camnet.cm
Mr Grant Weideman, Director, Radio Surveillance Security Services SA (PTY) Ltd, Suite 515 Tyger Falls, Carl Cronje Drive, Tyger Valley, Cape Town 7530, South Africa. Tel: +27 21 914 3438 / 3238 Fax: +27 21 914 3202 E-mail: grant@radiosurveillance.co.za |
Monsieur M. Bruno Nabagne KONE Directeur Général Côte d’Ivoire Telecom Emm. Le Djekanou, 4ème étage 17 BP 275 Abidjan 17 Côte d’Ivoire Fax +225 20 344828 |
Mr. Andrew F.B. Mthembu Managing Director Vodacom (PTY) Limited Private Bag X9904, Sandton 2146 082 Vodacom Boulevard, Voda Valley, MIDRAND South Africa Tel: +27 11 653 5729 Fax: +27 11 653 5702 E-mail motaunm@vodacom.co.za |
Monsieur Salvator NIZIGIYIMANA Directeur Général Office National des Télécommunications du Burundi B.P 60 Bujumbura – Burundi Tel + 257 223196 Fax +257 226917 Email : onatel@onatel.bi |
Joy Mookho Motaung Executive Head: Protocol and Strategic Relations Secretariat: GSM Africa Interest Group Vodacom Group Telephone: +27 (0) 11 653 5884 Telefax: +27 (0) 11 653 5405 Mobile: +27 (0) 82 990 3995 E-mail: motaunm@vodacom.co.za |
Mr. Rwiyegura Aimable Mpore Directeur Général MTN Côte d’Ivoire Rwiyegure Aimable Mpore 12 Avenue Crosson Duplessis 01 BP 3865 ABJOI Tel : + 237 223 4065 Fax + 237 223 0303 Email: danzoua@mtn.ci |
Mr. George Mashala CHIMALILO Chief Executive Officer Zanzibar Telecom Limited (ZANTEL) P. O. Box 3459 Amaan Industrial Park, Zanzibar Tanzania Tel: +255 54234050 Fax: +255 42234850 Email: mdttcl@ttcl.co.tz |
Marie BITTY MTN COTE D'IVOIRE CHEF DIVISION FINANCE 20 31 63 22 05 05 00 13 Email : mariebitty@mtn.ci |
W.N. (Bill) Beckman (B.A. LL.B.) Chief Executive Officer Tanzania Telecommunications Company Limited Extelecomm House Samora Ave P.O. Box 9070 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania ph +255 (0) 22 214-2404 cell + 255 (0) 73 213-3010 email mailto:bill.beckman@ttcl.co.tz |
Mr. Kandi PADAMBO Chief Executive Officer Electricity Corporation of Malawi (ESCOM) P.O. Box 2047 Blantyre Malawi Tel.: + 265 18 22 000 Email : escom@malawi.net |