ATU Secretariat
Box 35282 Nairobi
00200 Kenya

Tel: +254 20 4453308, 4453358
Fax: +254 20 4453359


World Telecommunication Standardisation Assembly (WTSA-2004)

Report on the activities of the Telecommunication Standardisation Advisory Group (TSAG) 2000-2004 by Aboubakar Zourmba, Vice Chairman of TSAG

On the eve of WTSA which will be held from 5-14 October 2004 in Florianopolis, Brazil, it seems on the whole that TSAG has satisfactorily fulfilled its main mission of counselling ITU-T in the area of finance methods and programmes of work, strategies and external cooperation. After having put in place its own internal structures and methods of work, which are undergoing continuous improvement, TSAG among other things endorses questions, deals with ITU-T recommendations of the A Series, organizes its physical and electronic correspondence meetings, gives useful advises, makes required suggestions and carries out sound WTSA-2004 preparation.

TSAG could even be more efficient if it is involved in ITU-T macro-environment matters. It could affirm ITU-T’s independence with regard to the industry by remaining equitable, by formulating global standards, by dealing with market requirements currently in developing countries (China, India, South America, Africa, Arab countries, etc.). It could promote ITU-T by making available ITU-T recommendations to the general public through ITU Regional offices, and enabling the general public to use them to their advantage through skill development awareness and training.

To prevent Africa being the dumping ground of obsolete and outdated technologies, it behoves Africa to appreciate and use ITU-T products especially ITU-T Recommendations which give the State of the Art in Telecommunications. This could be effected through participation in the activities of ITU-T in general and of TSAG in particular.

The use of ITU-T standards allow better presentation of tenders for provision of telecommunication services and better formulation of relevant contracts and specifications for licensing telecommunication operators.

The development of telecommunications in Africa shall be realized through ITU-T technical, operational and tariffs standards and not without them.

The  focal point at the General Secretariat is the standardisation research and programme coordinator, Mr. Andrew Kawamara (E-mail:


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Notification of Relocation of Office Premises
The General Secretariat of the Union has relocated to Communications Commission of Kenya (CCK) Building, Waiyaki Way, (opposite) Kianda school.
Tel: + 254 20 4453308, 4453358
Fax: + 254 20 4453359