ATU Secretariat
Box 35282 Nairobi
00200 Kenya

Tel: +254 20 4453308, 4453358
Fax: +254 20 4453359


Core activity programmes...

In pursuit of its mission of promoting the rapid development of info-communications in Africa in order to achieve universal access, and full inter-country connectivity, ATU is…

Contributing to global decision-making

Co-ordinating Africa’s contribution to the work of global decision-making conferences for treaty-making, standards-setting and policy-formulation with the aim of ensuring Africa gets an equitable share of globally allocated resources. (more)

Integrating regional markets

Fostering policy and regulatory harmonisation to create larger common markets for ICTs based on regional economic communities while increasing private sector participation. (more)

Promoting investment in ICT infrastructure

Promoting initiatives for investment in access and backbone cross-border information infrastructure through smart partnerships between public, private and not-for-profit sectors, in order to achieve universal access and full inter-country connectivity. (more)

Building human and institutional capacity

Facilitating initiatives to build institutional capacity in making treaties, setting standards, formulating policy, drafting regional integration protocols and attracting investment. (more)


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Online Delegates Forum...

Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-06) Antalya, 6-24 November 2006. African Common Proposals for the Work of the Conference (more...)

Invitation to a Workshop on Powerline Communications (PLC) 3 and 4 October 2006, Novotel Hotel, Dakar, Senegal (more...)

Notification of Relocation of Office Premises
The General Secretariat of the Union has relocated to Communications Commission of Kenya (CCK) Building, Waiyaki Way, (opposite) Kianda school.
Tel: + 254 20 4453308, 4453358
Fax: + 254 20 4453359